Gerardo Prieto Bozano an. pedatr. contin.2012;10(5):286-9
Tag: proctitis
Scientific corner
Granulocytapheresis in ulcerative colitis (in Spanish)
- Existen 2 dispositivos de granulocitoféresis: Cellsorba® (fibras de poliéster no tejidas), que fija granulocitos y linfocitos, y Adacolumn® (acetato de celulosa) que fija selectivamente granulocitos y monocitos.
- Además de retirar leucocitos activados, la aféresis produce incremento del número de granulocitos CD10-negativos (inmaduros), disminución de citocinas proinflamatorias (factor de necrosis tumoral alfa [TNF-α], interleucina [IL-6],IL-8 e IL-1β) e incremento de citocinas inhibitorias (IL-1, IL-10)
- La granulocitoféresis es un método razonablemente eficaz y seguro para obtener la remisión en niños con colitis ulcerosa corticodependiente o resistente, sobre todo en pacientes en el primer episodio, en enfermedad de corta evolución y en aquellos que no han recibido esteroides
- El procedimiento requiere 2 accesos venosos de buen flujo. La pauta más habitual de tratamiento consiste en 1–2 sesiones semanales de 60min a un flujo de 30ml/min, hasta un total de 5–10 sesiones
Scientific corner
A positive clinical experience of a long-term treatment pattern with leukocyte apheresis and Adacolumn in ulcerative proctitis.
Elena Borrego García 1, María Peña Ortega 2, Alicia Martín-Lagos Maldonado 3 , Rev Esp Enferm Dig. 2019 Nov;111(11):889.
Ulcerative proctitis (UP) is often involved in the diagnosis of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). The increase of leukocytes and pro-inflammatory factors in peripheral blood and in the active forms, as well as the infiltration of neutrophils and monocytes/macrophages in the intestinal mucosa is known to occur in this entity. This infiltration of cells damages the mucosa due to the liberation of proteases, oxidation radicals and cytokines, among others. Apheresis techniques such as leukocyte apheresis may be used among the different therapeutic options such as steroids, sulfasalazine, 5-aminosalicylic, tacrolimus, azathioprine, cyclosporine, mycophenolate and biological agents.
Scientific corner
Granulocyte, macrophage, monocyte apheresis for refractory ulcerative proctitis
Purushothaman Premchand 1, Ken Takeuchi, Ingvar Bjarnason Eur J Gastroenterol Hepatol 2004 Sep;16(9):943-5. doi: 10.1097/00042737-200409000-00023.
Refractory ulcerative colitis that fails conventional intense medical treatment often leads to colectomy. Although ciclosporin and infliximab may avert colectomy in certain cases, these treatments come with substantial toxicity and may only act as a bridge to avert emergency surgery. Granulocyte monocyte/macrophage adsorption apheresis is a new treatment and has shown efficacy for refractory colitis in up to 80% of cases in a Japanese study and is apparently only associated with negligible side effects. We report a case of severe refractory proctitis destined for colectomy effectively treated with granulocyte monocyte/macrophage adsorption apheresis. After two of five sessions the patient achieved full clinical remission, which has been sustained with the addition of azathioprine for more than 1 year.
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