Scientific corner

P154 Clinical assessment of prognosis and the prognostic factors in intestinal Behcet’s disease

M HachiyaT SakuraiY NagataA HidakaY AkitaH MiyashitaY MaruyamaR MiyazakiM NoguchiR SawadaJ MitobeM MitsunagaT YamasakiT KatoM Saruta, Journal of Crohn’s and Colitis, Volume 12, Issue supplement_1, February 2018,

Approximately 30% of all cases and 50% of severe cases that had received biologics were not able to avoid surgery. In severe cases, it is important to evaluate early treatment efficacy and prognostic factors because the median time of administration of biologics was only 9 weeks. However, no independent prognostic factor was found in this study.

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