Ludvig Linton 1, Mats Karlsson, Jeanette Grundström, Eric Hjalmarsson, Annelie Lindberg, Emma Lindh, Hans Glise, Ragnar Befrits, Izabella Janczewska, Per Karlén, Ola Winqvist, Michael Eberhardson, Clin Transl Gastroenterol. 2012 Dec 20;3(12):e29.
Tag: TNF-
Scientific corner
HLA-DR(hi) and CCR9 Define a Pro-Inflammatory Monocyte Subset in IBD.
CD14(+)HLA-DR(hi) blood monocytes were increased in patients with active IBD. These monocytes exhibit a pro-inflammatory, gut-homing phenotype with regard to their TNF-α production and expression of CCR9. Our results suggest that these monocytes are important in mediating intestinal inflammation, and provide potential therapeutic targets in IBD.
CCR9 / CD14+ / Crohn's disease / HLA-DR / immunology / Pro-Inflammatory MonocyteS / TNF- / ulcerative colitis /
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