Takuro Kanekura 1, Katsuya Hiraishi, Koichi Kawahara, Ikuro Maruyama, Tamotsu Kanzaki
Scientific corner
Granulocyte and monocyte adsorption apheresis (GCAP) for refractory skin diseases caused by activated neutrophils and psoriatic arthritis: evidence that GCAP removes Mac-1-expressing neutrophils
In the present study, we have shown that granulocyte and monocyte adsorption apheresis (GCAP), an extracorporeal apheresis instrument whose column contains cellulose acetate (CA) beads, is useful for skin diseases attributable to activated granulocytes and psoriatic arthritis (PsA). We assessed the clinical effectiveness of GCAP and investigated the mechanisms underlying the adsorption of pathogenic granulocytes. The effect of GCAP was assessed in 14 patients with neutrophilic dermatoses and 16 with PsA. The mechanisms by which the instrument adsorbs activated granulocytes were investigated using an in vitro mini-column system that mimics the GCAP. Skin lesions and arthropathy improved in 22 of 29 patients (75.9%) and 14 of 18 (77.8%), respectively. Mac-1 (CD11b/CD18) expression on the peripheral neutrophils, increased compared with normal subjects, was reduced by GCAP. In the mini-column system, CA beads adsorbed 50% neutrophils; and adsorption was inhibited significantly by treating plasma with EDTA and blood cells with antihuman CD11b monoclonal antibody. GCAP was useful for treating neutrophilic dermatoses and PsA. GCAP adsorbs Mac-1-expressing neutrophils to the CA beads by the binding of complement component (iC3b) on CA beads and CD11b expressed on activated neutrophils.
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