Wolfgang Ramlow 1, Jorg Emmrich, Peter Ahrenholz, Gisela Sparmann, Nobuhito Kashiwagi, Marita Franz, Takashi Yokoyama, Toshikazu Yoshikawa, J Clin Apher. 2005 Jul;20(2):72-80.
Scientific corner
In vitro and in vivo evaluation of Adacolumn ® cytapheresis in healthy subjects
Adacolumn is a medical device for adsorptive cytapheresis. It has been developed for selective adsorption of granulocytes and monocytes from peripheral blood of patients with immune disorders, such as autoimmune diseases and chronic inflammatory diseases. A double blind sham-controlled crossover study design was used in order to evaluate in vivo biological responses of leukocytes as well as biocompatibility during and after Adacolumn cytapheresis in healthy volunteers.
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