Makoto Higuchi, AkihiroShinii ,NaoshiNakamura , IaijiAkamatsu, Hideo Arakura, Tbru Ichikawa , Kazuhiko Horab ,YejiKamijo ,Ybko Kanekoi, rfetuji Kakegawa and Kendo Kiyosawa, Jpn JApheresis23 (2):189-19S,2004
Scientific corner
Granulocytapheresis with Adacolumn in the Treatment of Four Patients with Intractable Ulcerative Colitis
Fourpatients (3men and 1 woman) with intractable ulcerative colitis(UC)were treated using granulocytapheresis (GCAP) with Adacolumn. Mean age at the first GCAP was 37.5± 11years.Mean observation
period beforeGCAP was 157± 105 months. A clinical activity index (CAI,Rachmilewitzcriteria) and Matts’
endoscopic classification were used forthe estimation. GCAP was not effective intwo cases, however it,was
very effective inthe others. TheCAI score of one male patient decreased from8 to 5,and Matts’ grade from
3 to 2,after the 5thGCAR his patient could be taken off conicosteroid and the immunosuppressant.
Then he received GCAP every month. Both his CAI score and Matts’grade had decreased to 1sixteen months
after the first GCAR Four sessions of GCAP enabled us to reduce the prednisolone dose from20 to 5 mg lday,
and loweredt heCAI score (8to4) of another male patient before tota1 colectomy, Further examination is needed of the indications, times and intervals of GCAP in the treatment of intractable
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