Scientific corner

Granulocytapheresis in inflammatory bowel disease Efficacy of an induction plus maintenance sessions protocol at 32 weeks

F J Fernández Pérez 1F RodríguezC de SolaN Fernández MorenoF VeraR RiveraA Sánchez Cantos, Rev Esp Enferm Dig. 2007 Nov;99(11):628-35.

Introduction: Granulocytapheresis (GCAP) eliminates activated granulocytes-monocytes from peripheral blood, thus modifying the circulating pool of leukocytes and reducing intestinal inflammation. Objective: To evaluate the efficacy of GCAP in inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) using an induction and maintenance protocol. Material and method: A retrospective study including patients with active corticosteroid-dependent or refractory IBD. Induction included 5 sessions in ulcerative colitis (UC) and 7 sessions in Crohn’s disease (CD); one monthly session was used thereafter until week 32. Clinical activity indices and use of corticosteroids were monitored. Results: Eighteen patients were included (10 with UC, 8 with CD), 10 of them dependent on and 8 refractory to corticosteroids. Fourteen of them were refractory and a further 4 were intolerant to immunosuppressants (IS). Induction was not completed in 2 UC (severe relapses) and 1 CD (side-effects) patients. One UC and 3 CD patients withdrew during maintenance. Among patients who completed induction, response or remission was achieved in 87.5% of UC cases (2 and 5 patients) and 71.4% of CD cases (1 and 4 patients), respectively. At week 32 response-remission rates reached 75% in CU (3 and 3 patients) and 42.8% in CD (1 and 2 patients) cases, respectively. Corticosteroid withdrawal was possible in 14.2% of CD and in 62.5% of UC patients (25% in remission and 37.5% with response). There were two major side effects (thrombophlebitis and syncope). No colectomies were performed for UC patients who completed GCAP induction after a mean follow-up of 97.6 weeks (range: 72-128). Conclusions: Both UC and CD respond well to GCAP induction. At 32 weeks UC patients maintain similar response-remission rates (87.5 vs. 75%), whereas almost one-third of CD patients lose response. Granulocytapheresis is an alternative, steroid-sparing treatment modality to induce and maintain remission in UC, while good patient selection and a maintenance protocol not well defined yet are needed for CD.


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