Scientific corner

Efficacy and Safety of Adsorptive Granulocyte and Monocyte Apheresis in Elderly and Pregnant Patients With Ulcerative Colitis

Kazuki Yanagisawa 1Minoru Murakami 2Yuya Kondo 1Shun Oguma 1Shun Kobayashi 1Hiroshi Miyasaka 1Tomoaki Shinohara 3Akihisa Tomori 3Yui Nakano 2Shunichi Furuhata 2Masaya Ikezoe 2 , Ther Apher Dial 2019 Jun;23(3):217-223.

In patients with active ulcerative colitis (UC), adsorptive granulocyte/monocyte apheresis (GMA) is expected to promote remission. We conducted a retrospective cohort study to evaluate the efficacy and safety of GMA in patients with active UC. Twenty‐one UC patients including five pregnant or lactating mothers and four elderly patients (aged >60 years) received up to 10 GMA sessions. UC severity was evaluated at baseline and after GMA therapy according to Lichtiger’s Clinical Activity Index (CAI). We defined clinical remission as CAI ≤4. Overall, the median CAI score after GMA therapy had decreased from 9 to 4 (P < 0.001). The clinical remission rate was 62%, but in the elderly and pregnant or lactating mothers, the remission rates were 100% and 60%, respectively. No severe adverse effects were seen in this study. Our results may support GMA as an effective and safe treatment for active UC patients, including elderly patients and pregnant cases.

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